AeroPress home test.





When my home brewing needed an upgrade, I decided to give the AeroPress a go. What’s not to like about the simplistic and eye-catching design, easy steps-by-step guide, not to mention the competitive element with AeroPress hosting competitions.

Inside the box you will find even more simple tools to help you make that cup of coffee you crave early in the morning. This was a no brainer for me, nothing flashy or over complicated. The four steps on the box states that you could get a practical perfect coffee by following these easy steps. LOCK, DOSE, STIR, PLUNGE!

Whenever I see the word “perfect”, I get a bit sceptical. I’m sure most of you would agree that the perfect cup of coffee eludes you and only shows up once in a while. It also states that its rated as the best coffee maker by customer reviews.  Add to that the following claims – “smoothest, richest, purest and most versatile and the ever-present BPA free” tag at the bottom, and all of this is starting to sound a bit to good to be true.


So, what’s in the box!

Two cylinders, a funnel, spoon, filter cap, paper filters and something resembling a stirrer, I would assume. If this is all I would need for the perfect coffee it surely seems simple. Basically, all I need extra to get coffee from this is some grounded coffee and warm water.


Brewing my first AeroPress.

For my first test run, I ground some of our Wednesday - Single Origin Rwanda, just a bit more course than an espresso grind. An easy go-to example for size is about that of brown sugar granules. Boiling the kettle while I’m grinding the beans, I can’t help but feel a bit excited. I decided to use a single origin as this is the easiest way to determine the smoothness of the coffee that comes out of the AeroPress, as blends tend to be smoother compared to a single origin. I add the filter paper to the filter cap and rinse it with water. I lock the filter cap in place. Next, I place the cylinder over one of my favourite mugs. All that is left to do is to add the recommended number of scoops ground coffee to the cylinder, add water and allow the AeroPress to do its thing. So, I add the water slowly and in a circular motion till the coffee ground is covered with water.  Allow the coffee and water to react and create a bit of crema on top, this process is called blooming and takes about thirty seconds. Add the rest of the water up to number four. Insert the second cylinder and press down to extract the coffee into your cup.


I still have doubts about that perfect cup and as I finish it off wonder if the coffee will taste like plastic? As I lift the AeroPress off the mug, a delicious smelling, steamy coffee awaits. As I take the first sip, I find myself disappointed. Not because its bad, but disappointed in my own mistrust in this brewing tool, and that it took me years to try it out!

What I have in my cup is an extremely well-balanced cup of coffee. I wouldn’t say perfect, but seriously delicious! Adding to the fact that I used rough measurements of coffee, not paying attention to water temperature, as one would probably do most mornings or while traveling, I would say this is as close to perfect as one would get for the small amount of effort that was put into the brewing of this cup of coffee.

Verdict on this from a novice AeroPress brewer, but coffee fanatic - If you have time to make a cup of instant coffee but crave the good stuff, spoil yourself with the ease of an AeroPress. It takes the same amount of time, but the results are so much better!


To get your hands on our single origin follow this link-

To get an AeroPress follow this link-

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